Nefertiti lift

Nefertiti, one of the most famous queens of ancient Egypt and whose name means “the beautiful one has come”. And if this bust of her is accurate then there’s no arguing with that. Wife of Akenhaten, the radical who made Egyptians worship one God the Aten (didn’t last long) and king Tut’s dad, she was renowned as the beauty of the times. The most striking feature, other than the huge headpiece obviously, is that killer jaw line. And so it is easy to see how she became the “Nerfertiti lift” namesake.

What is the “Nefertiti lift”


It is the use of botulinum toxin injections to essentially give a non-surgical neck lift. A handful of small injections into the platysmal bands of the neck and at certain points on the jaw line to define the jawline and smooth out any “Turkey neck” business.   

As with any botulinum treatment it will take a couple of weeks or so to be at full effect and will last 3-4 months.

As none of us have exactly the same anatomy and due to the function of the muscles close by to where we would be injecting for this, you may at first get a slight twist and downturn of the corner of the mouth rather than complete uplift, but a some additonal injections at the two week review date would soon sort this out.


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