Short term orthodontics

 This is not a replacement for full conventional orthodontics, but not is it just some quick fix. The reason that it is short term refers to how you gets you results over more of a 4-6 month period because it just deals with straightening the anterior teeth. Major discrepancies or problems with alignment of the back teeth have to be dealt with by an orthodontist or accepted as a compromise. I have had a fair few people ask about it at a check up but assume that they’re not appropriate for it because they’re not a teenager anymore, but we grown ups are who these systems have in mind!! It’s an ideal option for those who had braces when they were younger but there has been some relapse, for those who should have had braces when they were younger but never went through with it and now wish they had or for those who have some alignment but it was not severe enough to be treated on the NHS, a proportion of the population which is getting larger and larger these days I’m afraid.

There are various systems out there; Invisalign, Six month smiles etc. All have their own ways of doing it but ultimately the goal is the same. Nice straight teeth at the front for you to do some top quality smiling with!!

In some instances the straightening may not be the end of it to create your perfect smile and some restorative work may then still be required. But in these cases, if further restorative work is required it will be considerably simpler and involve much less tooth destruction that if it hadn’t been done. So why not just jump straight to a load of crowns to make things look straighter? In some cases to prepare the teeth when they are very crowded would render them weak and the preparation would be very destructive. And if you don’t need much/any restorative work afterwards then your new smile will last as long as you look after your teeth, whereas no crowns last forever.

The system we use is Quick Straight Teeth. Dr. Macdonald chose this system as it has a wide range of appliances to offer: 

clear aligners

patented clear and discreet removable appliances

All designed by their orthodontic specialists and made by a specialist orthodontic laboratory.

 Whichever system you may use, you must ensure that your oral hygiene is to notch, especially if you have a fixed appliance. Be aware that it can be sore at the start but it soon settles and eating may be difficult for a while but having a softer diet and bite sized food etc will help. 

And if you want the result to last then you need a bonded retainer on and keep it on!! If you stop wearing your retainer, then some relapse is inevitable.  

From more minor adjustments….

To more extensive realignments allowing you to avoid extensive destructive restorative work and just need some minimal intervention adjustments once the alignment and bleaching are complete…..

….a few short months can give you a smile to last a lifetime!!