Dental micro abrasion 

We have a new product available to remove unsightly enamel defects without expensive or destructive restorative procedures!

The product is a slurry contacting chemicals and silicon micro particles to provide chemical stain removal along with gentle mechanical abrasion to remove unsightly enamel defects that are less that 0.2mm in depth. The process itself feels much like just having a polish, just a bit longer, so totally pain free.

High strength fluoride varnish is then applied to the teeth afterwards to help strengthen the enamel and reduce and post operative sensitivity. 

Especially when used alongside tooth whitening it can make a real difference!!


Case photos taken from Ultradent website


What actually are veneers?

Veneers are a purely cosmetic dental treatment. They provide a covering for the  front surface of the anterior teeth with a thin layer of a material, generally a porcelain of some kind, to improve the appearance of the teeth. 

They can mask internal staining or tooth darkness, shallow tooth deformities or generally provide a more uniform smile. Best results are to be found by having multiple veneers made and placed together at the same time.

The process

The teeth you wish to be veneered are numbed up and then a fine slither of the front surfer of the tooth is removed. Ideally less than a millimetre. So it is very minimal preparation and with it less risk to the tooth. Impressions are taken, temporary veneers are placed for a week or so and at your second appointment the veneers will be fitted, provided the result is right obviously. 

But they are not to be entered into lightly. If you have veneers placed you must look after them else you could start to get decay at the margins. Secondly there are some sacrifices to be made diet wise. Veneers are very delicate so you must be mindful of that. No more cracking open nuts or beer bottles for you! It also means that if you are wanting to make any teeth longer or if the tooth is already heavily restored, a full crown may be more appropriate.

Direct veneers

These are a less destructive version, being basically white fillings which are placed on the front teeth. To get a nice result highly polishable, higher aesthetic materials are often used rather than your bog standard white filling materials. 

They will never give you the standard of finish that you will get with porcelain veneers (Indirect veneers), but they can often be placed with no drilling of the tooth tissue at all, no need for injections, can be adjusted more easily if staining develops at the margin rather than needing complete replacement, only require one visit and are considerably cheaper.

A recent case done at The Manchester Face Clinic