
  What we are talking about here is the dogs in skin care products. Pharmaceutical grade skin care for home, often with a smaller price tag than a lot of designer brands too. There are a few different brands out there but none are the sort of thing you get in regular shops and since I have started using them myself I see SUCH a difference. And mum has. I don’t recommend anything until one of of us has tried it you see, just to make sure all is at it claims. So I will tell you a bit about the ones I have tried and liked so far, and over time will do update posts as I come across other products which I recommend.


   I use this daily. The vitamin c lotions, glycolic acid face wash is brill and makes my skin feel cleaner than ever before, the silk touch infusion does just that and makes my skin feel like silk afterwards which I love as I hate things that leave my skin greasy and I tend to then get break outs.

The sun lotion is excellent protection, you’d struggle finding another with so many protective factors in it. The glycolic acid mask is brill too, along with the glycolic acid and Vit C revitalising body lotion. I had some really irritated patches of skin that were getting worse and becoming quite uncomfortable but two applications of using the body lotion they were gone. 

The only word of warning though is that for those with more sensitive skin, the normal glycolic acid wash will be too severe, but there are weaker ones for that reason. 

There are many more products, and we have full information leaflets in both clinics.


 Who better to get anti-ageing skin products from than a laboratory who make fillers?!

Their latest range contains a modified version of the hyaluronic acid in fillers, the highest concentration of which being the RHA serum. This is the one in particular that my mum now can’t do without. It really has made a noticeable difference, even after just one weeks use. I myself am a fan of the R(II) eye serum.

The advanced filler is a deep moisturising, anti-ageing product, the deep repair balm being for damaged skin etc, and there’s more, again all containing the hyaluronic acid. They also do ranges specially formulated for pre and post aesthetic procedures too.

For more information or to order any products, contact us via Our facebook page or Website.