Special offer!!!

The perfect treatment for hypotrichosis to give longer, thicker and darker lashes.

You simply apply at night with the small brush applied, just one sweep and you’re done. It takes a few weeks to start showing but if applied daily then you’ll start seeing the difference.

Botox as wrinkle prevention

More and more people are starting to have the ultimate wrinkle prevention treatment…botox before the lines even really start!

Botox acts by blocking the receptors on muscle cell walls meaning that they do not contract as strongly. As with any muscle if you don’t use it much it will remain weaker and smaller. So regular smaller doses of botox from an earlier age will keep the muscles weaker and so more slender and so less lines will form in the first place. 



Not this type obviously, but you can see where the name comes from. A bridge is fixed in and goes over a gap. So they can fill a space if you don’t want dentures or an implant.

Like a regular bridge, you need good foundations. If you were to build a bridge on weak ground, once a bit of pressure has been placed on it for a while, it will collapse and take some of the ground that was supporting it with it. Same for the dental variety, if you have periodontal disease or something which compromises the stability of the teeth which you are wanting to use to support the bridge, eventually the bridge will fail and probably take out the teeth supporting it too.

Bridges can be made in various materials, all differing in strength and aesthetics, just as with crowns and there are various designs, including:

 A conventional bridge 
The teeth at the side of the gap are prepared as they would be prepared for a crown but with the false tooth of the same material stuck in between. 

Minimal preparation bridges


With these, instead of drilling the supporting teeth so much, there’s just a small amount removed on the inner surface. The false tooth is then bonded into place via attached wings which are stuck on the inside of the adjacent teeth. As you can imagine these are weaker than the conventional so aren’t always suitable.

Both types of bridges can also sometimes be done as what’s called a cantilever bridge. This is where the false tooth is just supported on one side. Again, only suitable in certain cases.

Advantages of bridges

  • May mean you can avoid a denture
  • That’s about it. But then…..

Disadvantages of bridges

  • Involve removal of tooth tissue and drilling of the supporting teeth, especially with the conventional design. Excessive drilling obviously weakens teeth and increases the chance of that tooth at some point dying off and needing either removal or root canal.
  • Difficult to clean under. There are things out the to help such as interdental brushes and super floss but it is harder and more care needs to be taken.
  • Bridges can be opening a can of worms. When they eventually do fail, it often involves loss of one/both of the supporting teeth. So now you have to deal with filling a bigger gap.

You can get a lovely result with bridges, but they are not to be rushed into and they are a commitment. I general advise that if you are just replacing one tooth especially, get an implant. Although they may be more expensive at the start, it will last a lot longer and not jeopardise the adjacent teeth. So in the long term an implant is much more cost effective.

If you are replacing a space further back, consider a flexible denture in a side plate design to act as a removable bridge which involves little if any tooth destruction and can be removed so you can clean underneath it properly.

If you have a larger gap to fill and really really don’t want a denture then this is probably you’re best option:

Implant retained bridge


This way the gap can be filled in without extending the bridge even further which again is not advised. The longer a bridge is you need to start involving more teeth to support it. Also, as the bridge bends around the arch of the jaw, the loads being placed through it are going at different angles and this also put it at higher risk of failure. And in cases like in the picture above, if you have a gap at the back then there is no tooth behind it to support a bridge.

Perfectha skin care range coming soon!!!!

From Aesthetic Medicine Journal:

Perfectha launches range of skincare to complement results of its HA treatmentsNov 25, 2015

Perfectha has introduced a new range of skincare designed to complement the results of the Perfectha range of HA treatments. 

The range includes: 


This light, delicate serum with a silky feel contains keratolytic agents that make skin look brighter and more compact right from the very first applications. It is ideal to brighten skin immediately, sculpt features and create strategic points for the face to capture light. With its light, airy structure, it contains an exclusive mixture of multi-reflecting powders with a 3-D effect. The formulation contains hyaluronic acid, AHA and delicate oils to guarantee skin hydration, softness and comfort.

Contains: Aha Complex (Alpha Hydroxy Acids), Glycolic, Chamomile Extract, HA Crono Active System (2 types of HA) 


This innovative formulation acts on expression lines visible in theeye area. The product has an anti-aging and lifting-tensor effect,resulting in the gradual relaxation of micro-wrinkles and an improvement in the tone of eye bags and skin relaxation. This is due to the perfect combination of a soft, flexible texture, with a formula based on regenerative and dermo-filling active ingredients that act locally at depth, revitalizing skin tissues and encouraging the gradual reduction of wrinkles.

Contains: HA Crono Active System, Hamamelis extract, Damask rose extract, Vitamin E


Intensive anti-wrinkle face cream with toning effect. Long-lasting anti-age action. Encourages the hydration, firmness, suppleness and luminosity of skin tissue. Enriched with an amino peptide complex, it strengthens natural skin hydration, stimulating acquaporine synthesis, improving skin suppleness and protecting against free radicals. Increases collagen synthesis. Improves the skin’s barrier function.

Contains: Hyaluronic Acid in 5 different sizes and forms, Echinacea extract Polysaccharides, Goji extract, Amino Peptide Complex (Diffuporine).


This lip-plumping, anti-age treatment is enhanced with a unique patented active ingredient (Maxi-Lip), which stimulates the synthesis of collagen while hydrating lips and quickly making them firmer, softer and better defined. Its formula enriched by Hyaluronic Filling Spheres (worldwide patent) makes wrinkles visibly less pronounced. This active ingredient consists of a special fibre that captures water, enters into the wrinkles and gradually fills them.

Contains: Concentrated Hyaluronic Acid, MAXI LIP™ (1%). SPF UVA e UVB.

I for one am excited to try this lot!!!!!


What actually are veneers?

Veneers are a purely cosmetic dental treatment. They provide a covering for the  front surface of the anterior teeth with a thin layer of a material, generally a porcelain of some kind, to improve the appearance of the teeth. 

They can mask internal staining or tooth darkness, shallow tooth deformities or generally provide a more uniform smile. Best results are to be found by having multiple veneers made and placed together at the same time.

The process

The teeth you wish to be veneered are numbed up and then a fine slither of the front surfer of the tooth is removed. Ideally less than a millimetre. So it is very minimal preparation and with it less risk to the tooth. Impressions are taken, temporary veneers are placed for a week or so and at your second appointment the veneers will be fitted, provided the result is right obviously. 

But they are not to be entered into lightly. If you have veneers placed you must look after them else you could start to get decay at the margins. Secondly there are some sacrifices to be made diet wise. Veneers are very delicate so you must be mindful of that. No more cracking open nuts or beer bottles for you! It also means that if you are wanting to make any teeth longer or if the tooth is already heavily restored, a full crown may be more appropriate.

Direct veneers

These are a less destructive version, being basically white fillings which are placed on the front teeth. To get a nice result highly polishable, higher aesthetic materials are often used rather than your bog standard white filling materials. 

They will never give you the standard of finish that you will get with porcelain veneers (Indirect veneers), but they can often be placed with no drilling of the tooth tissue at all, no need for injections, can be adjusted more easily if staining develops at the margin rather than needing complete replacement, only require one visit and are considerably cheaper.

A recent case done at The Manchester Face Clinic

Chemical peels

 Chemical skin peels can give your skin a whole new lease of life. They can ease acne, remove pigmentation, and provide skin rejuvenation and anti-aging benefits. There’s even a “Bridal Glow Package” specifically designed to give a radiant complexion for an upcoming special occasion. Obviously it doesn’t have to just be a wedding!!

An initial course of treatments is required to see major changes, maintained with regular single peels. Having a course allows the strength of the products used to be increased slowly and so be able to reach a much more effective strength than you would be able to reach in just one session.

Excerpt from the Agera website:

Agera® Skin Peels

The revolutionary proliferative peels created by Agera® are non-irritating, pain free and cause no down time from skin shedding, redness or irritation. These unique treatments cause significant stimulation of the fibroblasts deep within the skin to produce new collagen and elastin. This proliferative effect on the skin’s cells delivers many anti-ageing benefits without any unsightly skin shedding or redness. After only one session, the skin will look clearer, smoother and brighter. For maximum results a course of Agera® skin peels can be combined with medical microdermabrasion.

The beauty of the way that the Agera peels work mean that unlike most other peels all layers of dead skin which are being removed are sloughed off and cleaned away at the time of the peel so there is no down time and no unsightly sloughing for days afterwards. Just glowing skin straight away!! 

Agera skin peels brochure

Finally something we can do for you with no needles and is just like having a nice relaxing facial!!!



  What we are talking about here is the dogs in skin care products. Pharmaceutical grade skin care for home, often with a smaller price tag than a lot of designer brands too. There are a few different brands out there but none are the sort of thing you get in regular shops and since I have started using them myself I see SUCH a difference. And mum has. I don’t recommend anything until one of of us has tried it you see, just to make sure all is at it claims. So I will tell you a bit about the ones I have tried and liked so far, and over time will do update posts as I come across other products which I recommend.


   I use this daily. The vitamin c lotions, glycolic acid face wash is brill and makes my skin feel cleaner than ever before, the silk touch infusion does just that and makes my skin feel like silk afterwards which I love as I hate things that leave my skin greasy and I tend to then get break outs.

The sun lotion is excellent protection, you’d struggle finding another with so many protective factors in it. The glycolic acid mask is brill too, along with the glycolic acid and Vit C revitalising body lotion. I had some really irritated patches of skin that were getting worse and becoming quite uncomfortable but two applications of using the body lotion they were gone. 

The only word of warning though is that for those with more sensitive skin, the normal glycolic acid wash will be too severe, but there are weaker ones for that reason. 

There are many more products, and we have full information leaflets in both clinics.


 Who better to get anti-ageing skin products from than a laboratory who make fillers?!

Their latest range contains a modified version of the hyaluronic acid in fillers, the highest concentration of which being the RHA serum. This is the one in particular that my mum now can’t do without. It really has made a noticeable difference, even after just one weeks use. I myself am a fan of the R(II) eye serum.

The advanced filler is a deep moisturising, anti-ageing product, the deep repair balm being for damaged skin etc, and there’s more, again all containing the hyaluronic acid. They also do ranges specially formulated for pre and post aesthetic procedures too.

For more information or to order any products, contact us via Our facebook page or Website.

The triangle of youth

There are various factors which contribute to ageing. These include:

  • Loss of skin elasticity 
  • Loss of collagen supporting the skin
  • Loss of buccal fat pads
  • Gravity!!

All of these factors together means everything starts heading south. So where we start off with plump cheeks slimming down to a defined narrower jaw line forming an upside triangle, the cheeks thin out and drop, jowls start to develop and we are left with the pyramid of age as you can see in the picture.

With this the fold around the mouth deepen and static lines form due to the skin loosing its support and elasticity.

So a big aim in creating a more youthful appearance is to recreate the triangle of youth. When we do this it can give a very natural yet overall more youthful appearance by basically putting everything back where it was!! And there are ways to do it without resorting to full surgery.

1. Prevention

As always, starting a good skincare routine from an early age can help avoid a lot of this. A good regime with high quality vitamin enriched products and anti ageing creams etc to help keep the skin quality good, maintain elastin and collagen. As always keeping off the fags, daily sunscreen and generally not being a sun worshipper will improve the quality and elasticity of the skin massively. Otherwise this is the result:


For more information, see previous post on skin care and prevention.

2. Cheek augmentation

Fillers at the cheek line.  This will bring back the width at the cheek line where it should be, as well as smoothing out fine lines in that area and will bring the skin and tissue of the lower face back up and restore that triangle and soften the lower face folds and start to help definie the jaw line. And who doesn’t want a killer cheek line anyway!

3. Mid face thread lift with silhouette soft 

This can pull the skin and subcutaneous tissue back up where it should be, the compression in the malar region can provide cheek volumisation and the threads at the jaw line can help to pull the flaccid skin at the jaw line (jowls) back and up.

Also the stimulative effect of the poly lactic acid which they are made of stimulate the body to make more collagen around them.

3. Combination treatment

Best results can be seen when a combination of the treatments is used.

Dental implants 

Having just signed up for a dental implant post-graduate course in 2016, it made me realise I hadn’t done a post about these yet.

What is an implant?

As you can see in the picture above an implant is a bit like a titanium screw. A very special one that you then can attach things to, be it a crown, one end of a bridge or a special attachment which is used to help holds denture in place.

The process

Once the thorough assessment and planning has been done, if you have adequate bone in the area to hold an implant one can be placed. If not, an implant may still be possible but you may need a bone graft in order to do so.

So the first stage is placing the implant. An incision is made in the gum so that access can be made to the bone beneath and the implant placed. You would be number up to the hilt and this will feel pretty much the same as having a filling done, lot of water, some weird vibration.

With the implant in place correctly the gum is stitched back over for a few months. Life goes on as if nothing ever happened, but that implant is undergoing osseointegration; that is becoming part of the bone. These implants have very specially designed surfaces which allow the bone to fuse to them and anchor hem in strongly.

Once that has finished, the next stage is normally placing what is called the abutment, the bit that will attach to whatever is going to go on the implant. Again some time is hen needed for this to heal and the gum line to settle around it. Once that is done The final restoration can start to be made.

Occasionally some cases may be appropriate for an immediate loading implant, being that you don’t need to wait for the osseointegration bit. But this is only in specific cases so best to assume it’ll be the usual way and if you are suitable then bonus. It just speeds the process up.

Implant retained restorations


So as mentioned before an implant can then support either a single crown, one end of an implant retained bridge, or be part of a series of implants helping to hold a denture in place. With implant retained dentures, the implants will have precision attachments, either funny shaped bits, bars or magnets which have corresponding attachments embedded into the denture. 

Success rates

Implants are very successful. They have the best success rates of any part of dentistry! 

An article published in the British Dental Journal in 2006 states that:

“In comparison to other prosthetic designs implant single crowns had the lowest failure rate at 2.7%.”


“Naert et al.6 also reported a cumulative success rate of 96.5% over an 11 year period and there are numerous other studies alluding to the longevity of single unit implant restorations.7, 8, 9 Single tooth implant survival has been demonstrated to be the most predictable method of tooth replacement.”

British Dental Journal 200, 661 – 665 (2006) 

Published online: 24 June 2006 | doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.4813718

This does mean that ultimately dental implants are very cost effective. Although there may be more expense at the start, over the long term it can work out cheaper.

For example, if you were to consider replacing an anterior tooth with a bridge vs an implant, a bridge would only be a little cheaper, but causes a lot of destruction to the supporting teeth which puts them at risk, but also will need replacing much much sooner. 

So, it’s very exciting to be starting the post-graduate training in February 2016 with Tipton Training and hopefully get a PG Cert in dental implantology from the British Academy of Dental Implantology!!


How thread lifts work

I thought I should give a bit more information on how these thread lifts that we keep banging on about actually work!

They have been around for a long time in one form or another, but the Silhouette Soft design has improved things significantly.

Their design with the use of the cones on these very special threads makes them able to provide more lift for longer than the previous barbed designs.  And the design of the suture itself allow the procedure to be done with no surgical incision. 

  So once it has been planned out where the threads are going, a little anaesthetic is injected into all the spots where anything will pass through the skin. A small pinprick is made with a needle tip for the sutures to be passed through. Once they are placed in the subcutaneous tissue beneath the skin, some tension is applied to compress the tissue. This is what provides the lifting and also volumisation where needed. The cones on the thread act as little anchors to hold things in place. 

Beyond that, the material that the sutures and cones are made of, poly-L lactic acid, stimulate the body to make collagen and improve the effect and increase the longevity. 

The sutures resorb. The histological effects can be seen up to two years later but the clinical effects will last a year to 18 months. The stimulation of the collagen though does mean that if you did have these for a while and then stopped, the support of your skin is going to be better than if you had never had them. Much like the longer term anti ageing effects of having mesotherapy and botox regularly.

So there is no real down time after these thread lifts. There will be small punctures scabs where the needles have penetrated the skin. Some bruising may develope and some areas may be a little uncomfortable if here are any areas where the thread went a little deep at any point during the procedure. 

Immediately afterwards there may be some puckering of skin if a lot of compression has been done, too much compression, and could be small dimples at the entry sites, these will all settle fairly quickly, definitely after a week.

You do need to be careful to follow the after care precautions else you can disturb the threads and reduce the lift. Basically you just need to be careful for two weeks after by avoiding doing things like over stretching the mouth, careful cleansing and drying of the face, sleeping on your back propped up etc and you can’t have a facial or any other facial aesthetic treatments for 4 weeks. Obviously you will be given the post-operative care leaflets at the clinic.

Risks involved

Not much really. Mostly just the risk of some bruising and post-op discomfort. There’s the risk of infection at the puncture sites so you need to avoid touching these as much as you can and keep your hands scrupulously clean for when you inevitably do.

An operative risk is mainly of a thread snapping. If this happens another one ust gets placed along side it, double the collagen stimulation for you!! Apart from that it’s just that if more small blood vessels are affected in the procedure, basically just meaning that the more bleeding that occurs during the procedure then there may just be a little more bruising. Thankfully, the area where there are more blood vessels and more bleeding occurs are in the hairline areas so any bruising that does occur is often hidden. Obviously the risk of bleeding and bruising is a lot higher for anyone on anti-platelet and anti-coagulants such as aspirin or warfarin.

So if you fancy speaking to us about if a mid-face lift is for you, give us a ring or contact us via the Facebook page or Our website